Hospital-Level Care in the Comfort of Home: How Vianova’s Platform is Transforming Home Care Services

As healthcare evolves, more patients are embracing the comfort and convenience of receiving hospital-level care right at home. A recent study published in JAMA reveals that a majority of patients believe they would recover more quickly and feel safer being treated at home rather than in a hospital. This shift in patient preference highlights the growing demand for innovative home care solutions like those offered by Vianova’s platform, which delivers comprehensive, effective care directly to patients where they feel most comfortable.


Empowering Home Care with Vianova’s Advanced Platform


At Vianova, we are at the forefront of this transformation, providing cutting-edge Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM), and Chronic Care Management (CCM) services. These services are designed to empower patients to receive hospital-level care at home, combining the convenience of home care with the high standards of clinical excellence.


Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for Enhanced Care


Vianova’s RPM services enable healthcare providers to monitor patients’ vital signs and health metrics in real-time, ensuring that any potential issues are identified and addressed quickly. This is particularly crucial for patients with acute conditions, as continuous monitoring can prevent complications and reduce the need for hospital readmissions. Our platform ensures that patients and their families feel secure, knowing that their health is being closely monitored by their care team from a distance.


Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) for Targeted Treatment


Our RTM services focus on the ongoing management and adjustment of therapeutic regimens based on real-time data. This service is essential for patients recovering from surgery or managing chronic conditions, where the timely adjustment of therapy can significantly improve outcomes. Vianova’s platform allows patients to receive personalized treatment adjustments, ensuring they receive the most effective care without leaving their homes.


Chronic Care Management (CCM) for Long-Term Health


For patients with chronic conditions, ongoing management is critical to maintaining health and preventing exacerbations. Vianova’s CCM services provide continuous support and care coordination, ensuring that patients have access to the resources and guidance they need to effectively manage their conditions. Our platform facilitates regular communication between patients and their healthcare providers, fostering a collaborative approach that prioritizes the patient’s well-being.


Medicare and Medicaid: Paving the Way for Home Care


The importance of home care is underscored by recent policy developments. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) temporarily authorized at-home care services under the Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver. This waiver, which has been extended through December 31, 2024, allows for hospital-level care to be delivered at home and includes a requirement for CMS to study care quality before approving long-term reimbursements. Currently, 322 hospitals across 37 states have been approved to provide at-home care, reflecting the growing recognition of home care’s benefits.


The JAMA study further highlights the appeal of home-based care, with 56% of respondents agreeing that people recover faster at home than in the hospital. Additionally, 82% felt comfortable managing a patient’s medications at home, and 67% were willing to provide more in-depth care such as wound care. These findings are crucial as policymakers consider the future of home care programs and the role of Medicare and Medicaid in supporting these services.


A Future-Ready Approach to Home Care


The insights from the JAMA study align closely with Vianova’s mission to bring high-quality, hospital-level care into the home. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the demand for home-based care solutions that offer safety, comfort, and effectiveness will only increase. Vianova is committed to leading this change by providing a platform that not only meets these needs but exceeds them, offering patients and their families peace of mind in knowing that they are receiving the best possible care.


With Vianova, hospital-level care in the home is not just a possibility—it’s a reality that is transforming patient care for the better, supported by forward-thinking policies and the continued backing of Medicare and Medicaid.


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